Traver's 4 Year-Old Kindergarten
Traver School offers full day 4K programming (half day upon parent request). The 4K program is based on a play-based curriculum, focusing on building social and emotional skills, along with developmentally appropriate academic standards, such as letter identification, counting, and fine/gross motor skills.
During your child’s time at Traver 4K, they will:
- Learn how to regulate their emotions and establish positive relationships with peers and teachers.
- Develop language to express their thoughts and needs, as well as progress in conversational and communication skills.
- Learn pre-literacy skills, such as knowledge of the alphabet, phonological awareness, and emergent writing skills.
- Create positive approaches to learning, connect experiences, and use classification skills.
- Explore number concepts, including measurement and knowledge of patterns.
- Participate in music, art, library, physical education, and technology programs.
- It is FREE to enroll your child at Traver School, including the 4K program. Please contact the office at 262-248-4067 to set up a tour or to get registration information.
- Children that are 4 years old before September 1, 2023 can enroll in the 2023-2024 school year.
- OUT OF DISTRICT- Open enroll your child! Open Enrollment is open February 6, 2023- April 28, 2023. Click the link to find the Open Enrollment Application.
- Bus Transportation is provided before and after school for students in the district. Busing is available ONLY in the morning for the half day 4K students, it is NOT available for mid-day transportation home for the half day 4K students.
- Students that are car riders will get dropped off and picked up in the back of Traver School. Drop off starts at 8:00 am, pick up starts at 3:35 pm.
- CAMP TRAVER- FREE before and after school care is available to families. Before school care starts at 6:30 am and goes after school until 5:30 pm.
- The school day is Monday through Friday from 8:20 am- 3:35 pm. (If you choose for your child to stay for only the morning, they will need to get picked up after recess).
- Daily schedules would be in your child’s daily take home folder.
- The day starts with breakfast, morning meeting, calendar and weather, literacy time, focus groups, physical education, morning snack, center time (free play among peers working on social and emotional skills), lunch, recess, rest time, FUNdamentals, Specials (library, music, technology time, and guidance), and art/ craft time.
- Students will have recess everyday and will need appropriate clothes, especially in the winter. They will need boots, snow pants, a jacket/ coat, a hat, and mittens/ gloves.
- Students will also have physical education every day and will need a pair of gym shoes to keep at school.
- 4K students attend at least two field trips during the school year. Usually one in the Fall and one in the Spring. Parents are encouraged to attend.
- Breakfast and lunch are served at school. Please contact the office for more information, including free and reduced lunch options.
- 4K has two snacks- one is in the morning and one is in the afternoon. Families are asked to bring in snacks each month to share among the 4K students. Milk is served with the afternoon snack and is paid for by Traver School.
- There will be a school supply list for all 4K students at the beginning of the year. Please see the Traver School webpage to find the list.
- If your child is going to be absent from school, please contact the office at 262-248-4067.
- Illness- if your child is ill, please keep them home and notify the school office. Your child should stay home if they are experiencing any vomiting, diarrhea, or fever until they are symptom free for 24 hours (without medicine).
- We ask that students are toilet trained upon entering 4K in the fall.
- Students are asked to bring extra clothes with them to school in case of an accident. Please send an extra pair of pants, socks, underwear, and shirt.
- We encourage families to volunteer in the classroom, school, on field trips, and with the Traver Community Club. We offer opportunities for help in the classroom, as well as opportunities to help from home if you are unable to come into the classroom.
- Monthly School and Classroom newsletters will be sent to keep you informed about all the events happening for students and families at Traver and in the community.