Nutrition and Wellness
At Traver, we would like students to make healthy choices when they bring snacks and lunch. We have a food service from a neighboring district that provides our USDA-approved lunch program. It is available to all and families are welcome to apply for free and reduced lunch.
Please click here to read through our Wellness Policy (pdf). Here are some links with great information on offering healthy food choices to children: Healthy Celebrations (pdf) This document offers ideas for kids to celebrate special occasions while avoiding unhealthy foods. Smart Food Planner (website) This site has many products that have been approved as "Smart Snacks Compliant". You can type in the snack and see if it is a Smart Snack. Also, you can see lists of lots of foods that are compliant as well. Healthy Non-Food Rewards (pdf) This document offers suggestions on rewarding kids through non-food activities at all developmental ages. |