Shortly after winter break, the sixth, seventh, and eighth graders traded in their Macbook laptops for iPads. The iPads are the students' new technology that they will carry with them at school and take home. Their are lots of similarities with the iOS and the Mac OS, so students transitioned easily. Students learned about changes in file storage and navigating through different apps to do work. They are having fun with their new equipment!
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To prepare for the holidays there were clay projects galore in the art room, especially in the lower grades. First graders made thumb pots with lids and celebrated their completion with a tea party. Second graders made hot chocolate mugs; third graders made ornaments, and fourth graders made Christmas trees. Seventh graders worked very hard on a carving project using blocks of sandstone. They watched their ideas come and go as the nature of the material came into play. The results were very pleasing. They then researched and gave presentations on this sculpture technique.
In 2nd grade we have been mastering our doubles facts in math. Miss G. taught the students a song called the "Doubles Rap" and then the students made a miniature iPod to store their doubles flash cards and song inside. We got crafty and cut apart an envelope to create our iPods. The students loved making the little iPods and had fun learning the Doubles Rap song.
Check it out! The Traver Boys Basketball Team finished up their 2012 season on December 17 with a game
at Faith Christian. Both teams showed great improvement over the year according to Coach Stinebrink and Coach Peterson. There were many new players to the Timberwolves program this year which made it difficult at the start, but very satisfying to see the progress they made. To start off the season, the “A” team won its first game in two years, which was very exciting. When asked how he though the season went, Devon said, “We started out good by winning two games early and kept improving throughout year, even though we didn’t win a lot more”. The “B” team did not win a game this year, but as stated earlier, showed a lot of improvement and seemed to have fun in doing it. Summing up their season Marcus, William J., and William F. said, “We didn’t win any games, but worked together and had a lot of fun”. The boys ended the season with a team breakfast, where everyone “pigged out”. They all seemed very happy that Coach Stinebrink is in charge of Stinebrink’s bakery! The December Scholastic Book Fair gave students and parents an opportunity to browse new books and buy them for students’ home libraries. Students had fun looking over the books during their library classes. Over $1,700 of books and other items were purchased. A profit of $863 from the sale was used to provide books for the library and classroom libraries. Students are enjoying the books they bought and those made possible by the profit from the Book Fair. Thank you to everyone who supported the Book Fair. |
Traver School
We are a small 4K-8 public school in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. We have great kids, great teachers, and great ideas! We'd love for you to be a part of our family. Thanks for visiting our site! Archives
September 2014